A little project I've decided to start, I'm currently waiting for more vinyl so that I can do more parts on the interior and exterior as well:
Let me know what you think of the work so far:
A little project I've decided to start, I'm currently waiting for more vinyl so that I can do more parts on the interior and exterior as well:
Let me know what you think of the work so far:
wwwhaaatttttt?!?! good job man! it almost looks like you took the shifter apart and did the vinyl!
Beauty is in the eyes of the beer holder
ya i did take it apart and it was surprisingly easy...1 screw and thats it... then using my heat gun and stretching the material out i put it on
Good job man.... really nicely done. I was going to say 'Good luck keeping it on, I'd give it 2-3 months' but noticed you took it apart... Should last considerably longer!
Really nice work buddy!
wow... love it!! great work you should do a how to man!