Hey girls/guys,
How's it going?
My name is Gautam Shah or G,
New on here I just started working at Avante Mazda. Im sure a lot of you on here know Avante Mazda already. This is my first job in the Automotive industry. I have had multiple Mazda's starting with a MSP, then an RX-8, a MSP6. I bought them all from Avate. I do not drive a Mazda right now, but my brother drives the new Mazda3. I've always loved Mazda's and the reason why i decided to work for Avante was to help fellow Mazda owners with whatever expectations they have from a dealership to come true. I would love to help you guys out with whatever you guys need from a dealership. I will be talking to my boss regarding group buy discounts on whatever AM parts that would be covered under warranty.
I persoanlly run a car forum called "Toronto Tuner Syndicate" and you will see me and my fellow members at KC(Kennedy Commons) every wednesday during the summer time. Come by and say hi. Toronto Tuner Syndicate is a car forum with all makes and models. Its a forum for enthusiasts by enthusiasts. Feel free to join us @ torontotunersyndicate.net
You guys can shoot me a PM with any questions or concerns you have regarding Avante Mazda. If you know someone who is looking for a Mazda, feel free to send them my way and i will be mroe than happy to help them pick out the Mazda they want.