Hmm - some good suggestions here, thx guys. If my situation was that simple, I'd definitely take that route. But I'll be hauling stuff for months - up to a year actually, going to be doing a lot of renovations to the place and rebuilding some of the inside, slowly and after work / on the weekends. So a short term van rental isn't really an option. Don't wanna trash the MS3 and put crazy mileage on it when I've been taking care of it so much. So that part I've kind of made my mind on. Plus I'll be able to take some $$ out of the sale and while I'm driving something crappy, use at least $10K from the sale towards the actual work i need to do.
So $16K you say? Hmm, I thought I could do at least $17-17.5 with such nice ride and such low kms. That's a bummer. Should I list now or keep it over the winter and wait for the market to pick up in the spring?
(and don't think i'm not heartbroken about this guys.... just reality settling in, and only the promise made to self that I'll be back in one as soon as I'm done is making this a bit easier to handle
