Well first off, the tune wasn't exactly what I had expected to be. I guess you can say I expected wayyyyy too much from this, for example I expected different shift points, seeing the tachometer go into the redline and such, because a buddy of mine got his tahoe tuned and that's what they had done for him, although I was able to see my speedometer finally go above 118, I got to about 125 and didn't wanta push my luck going any further. Joe informed me that the tachometer was off and he did change the engine rpm's.
He believes originally it was at 5800 and he changed it to 6500, but the tachometer doesn't go pass 6200, which in all honesty I don't get because I feel the engine stall when the tachometer reads 6200. Plus SLABY had said he let his 2.0 go to 7200 rpms with an automatic (
http://mazda3revolution.com/forums/2...iew-2-0-a.html) I figured since I had a better engine and the headers, my tune would have been even better than Slaby's. I don't know I'm just a little confused as to what was to be expected from this tune. Also on previous posts that I've seen posted by Joe, he had said 18-25 whp gain for 2.5. In all honesty I don't see/feel that gain
So lets start,
Price for 2.5L = $550
Worth it = I would still have to say Yes
Performance Mods: CS SRI, RB exhasut, MSDS headers
Details: I did datalogging and I'm using 93 octane
I did notice a bit difference with the tune, it took a couple of miles for it to break in and for the ECU to see the changes I guess. I feel that my 0-60 pulls a bit harder as it gets there quicker. The throttle response feels better, alot less lag. It feels more crisp when you step on it. I wish I had done a before and after dyno but I had to save that money for new tires, which I already ordered. Hankook Ventus V12 K110, same size as original tire.
I do come out of turns a bit quicker. Overall though, I don't know, from seeing Jackf's and Slaby's review I was just expecting to be in like a WOW/Shocked mode, but unfortunately I really wasn't. I know my review might not have been what people expected and it might be a bit disappointing to some, but it's just an honest review from what I felt with this tune. But remember every car is different so some might get a better result than I did.
Perhaps later on, I can go back and do some more datalogging and make some changes or something but as of now I wasn't so much shocked with the tune but more like "ok this is pretty cool". I see this tune more as a better driveability than a performance tune.
Joe's a great guy and really knows his stuff, he is a bit hard to get a hold of but as you can imagine, he is a busy guy. Would I recommend this tune? I would say go for it, but don't get your hopes all that high, thinking you can be in 2 fast 2 furious or something.
Like I said, this is just an honest review from what I've felt. If anyone has questions, post and I'll do my best to answer what I can.